Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Work Injury Can Anyone Explain The Illinois Statute Of Limitations For Work Injury Payout?

Can anyone explain the Illinois Statute of Limitations for work injury payout? - work injury

Recently, I received a call from Liberty Mutual, who asked me if I paid for a knee injury that occurred at work. I wonder what's going to leave if the payment is made. I also wonder who is paying?


jmac.198... said...

As a rule you have is 2 years from the end of medical treatment for your best option, go see a lawyer.

Caoedhen said...

The workers comp system state makes a payment or sounds like in this case is the insurance for employers who want to pay.

What do you waive any additional payment of medical expenses. The case was not completed as, and you yourself are. When the knee is better, you could consider. If not, no payments until better.

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