I recently been diagnosed w/ a healed lacunar infarct through an MRI but i didn't had a stroke or any symptoms? - lacunar infarct left thalamus
This situation is dangerous, or it must have something to to check w / a neurologist?
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Lacunar Infarct Left Thalamus I Recently Been Diagnosed W/ A Healed Lacunar Infarct Through An MRI But I Didn't Had A Stroke Or Any Symptoms?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Will Drinking A Dark Wine Cause Your Stool To Be Dark Can Drinking Red Wine Cause Black/dark Stool?
Can drinking red wine cause black/dark stool? - will drinking a dark wine cause your stool to be dark
My chair has recently been very black and / or charcoal color. All that has changed in my diet, I drank red wine.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Liability Insurance Market Stall Am I Covered On My Liability Insurance?
Am I covered on my liability insurance? - liability insurance market stall
I have liability insurance as a market operator, but since I am doing a charity event in the Council, I have my own liability insurance. Can anyone tell me if I separate insurance for the event or in a position to cover liability, I must use?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Where Is The Toad Site Message Zwt Does Anyone Know How To Prepare Toad Ringer Solution Or A Web Site I Can Log Onto?
Does anyone know how to prepare toad ringer solution or a web site I can log onto? - where is the toad site message zwt
Once the solution McKenzie frog Ringer (composition in g / l: 6.22 NaCl, 1.68 NaHCO 3, 1.30 HEPES, 0.24 KCl, 0.35 MgSO4 7H2O, 0.19 CaCl2, 3.0 glucose )
I saw (the "frog Ringer) preparation. You do not know if it helps.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Throw Pillows By The Bulk Where Can I Find Discount Polyfil, Filler, Stuffing In Bulk?
Where can I find discount polyfil, filler, stuffing in bulk? - throw pillows by the bulk
I want to make about 50-75 cushion, so I owe a great deal, but I will not buy on the ruins at ...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Email Confidential Clause How Do I Make Addressee's To Email's Confidential?
How do I make addressee's to email's confidential? - email confidential clause
I will not disclose email addresses to other recipients receiveing email.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Yucky Duck Diapers Cloth Diapers..Yucky Duck??
Cloth diapers..Yucky Duck?? - yucky duck diapers
http://www.amazon.com/12-Pack-Yucky-Duck ...
Who knows if these are good cloth diapers?
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Coastal House Plans Am Looking To Buy A Sailboat, For Mainly Coastal Cruising But With Some Offshore Passages Planned In The Futur?
Am looking to buy a sailboat, for mainly coastal cruising but with some offshore passages planned in the futur? - coastal house plans
general criteria are:
40-50 feet in length, price range of U.S. $ 200,000 to 300,000
Fiberglass or wood
Classic Lines
a very fast boat, Windward
simple operation, while shorthanded
very safe in bad weather
strong driving force behind the good boat speed, even in troubled waters
then life on board very long periods of time is
prefer the aft cabin
open to a pilot house
new or used
2 double cabins would be good to head
but not essential
I saw some boats are Iceland packet Halsberg Rassey, Rustler, Hinckeley, Tartan
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Reflux In Babies More Condition_symptoms Uk For Parents Of Reflux Babies That Take Zantac?
For parents of reflux babies that take zantac? - reflux in babies more condition_symptoms uk
My child is 3 months and Zantac for his reflux. It is to be a return of silence "fun". The zantac seems to help, did not work but lately very demanding and the drug as well. My doctor told me that the medicine to your weight should be tailored and I think that is our problem. Who knows what dose, a baby to 12 pounds is it? Currently, 1ml. Thank you in advance.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Dvd Camera How Much Footage Can A Mini Dvd-r Hold On A Dvd Video Camera?
How much footage can a mini dvd-r hold on a dvd video camera? - dvd camera
I bought a Panasonic DVD camera (Panasonic VDR-M50) How long will I be able to collect and put in the disk.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Knock Off Jewelry Where Can I Find "knock Off" Chanel Jewelry?
Where can i find "knock off" Chanel Jewelry? - knock off jewelry
I was in Colorado, Winter Park, and I've been in this store called "Sea"
and did not have the most beautiful jewelry and can not find a good website or online shop or something ..
Help Siouplaît:]
Thank you!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Roman Jewelry Where Can I Find Custom Made Jewelry?
Where can i find custom made jewelry? - roman jewelry
What I really want is 143 in roman numerals (I, III, IV) as a pendant necklace or a lucky charm on a bracelet.
If this does not happen then engraved on a ring.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Work Injury Can Anyone Explain The Illinois Statute Of Limitations For Work Injury Payout?
Can anyone explain the Illinois Statute of Limitations for work injury payout? - work injury
Recently, I received a call from Liberty Mutual, who asked me if I paid for a knee injury that occurred at work. I wonder what's going to leave if the payment is made. I also wonder who is paying?
Monday, January 18, 2010
Polka Dot Favor Boxes What's A Good Candy To Fill My Party Favors With?
What's a good candy to fill my party favors with? - polka dot favor boxes
idk in a sweet 16 and what kind of candy to fill it with, and I will not be too expensive
This is what the tables look like this:
I have the gold
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Retirement Homes Gta I Am Looking For A List Of Retirement Homes/villages In Durban South Africai?
I am looking for a list of retirement homes/villages in Durban South Africai? - retirement homes gta
My mother is 85 years old and still very alert and healthy. We are looking for a retirement home for them.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Used Trumpets Where Can I Sell My Used Trumpet?
Where can I sell my used trumpet? - used trumpets
I have a trumpet, which was elected for 3 years and is in good condition. Is a Getzen. I'm not going on eBay, but never the game and I like to sell.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Sample Anniversary Letters Can You Help Me Write A Nice 2nd Anniversary Letter. Can You Give Some Sample Letters. Thanks A Lot?
Can you help me write a nice 2nd anniversary letter. can you give some sample letters. thanks a lot? - sample anniversary letters
Thank you for the exchange of ideas.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Ham Antenna Ham Radio Antenna Out Of A Fan?
Ham Radio Antenna out of a Fan? - ham antenna
I was wondering if anyone knew how to make an antenna with a fan too. If you could do me the parts and how it would be great.
Sirius Stiletto Accessories My Sirius Stiletto 2 Can Not Find A Signal; What Am I Doing Wrong?
My Sirius Stiletto 2 can not find a signal; what am I doing wrong? - sirius stiletto accessories
I bought a pin 2 for SIRIUS radio. I connected to an existing account and all our other devices, but I can not find a signal from the needle. You are provided with the antenna headphones, but they are so big and bulky does not want to wear them. He hoped that the needle may have a separate antenna, but can not find a signal inside or outside. What can I do?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Veteran Scholarship Can I Get A Scholarship For Having A WW2 Veteran In My Family?
Can I get a Scholarship for having a WW2 Veteran in my family? - veteran scholarship
I do not have that much money in trying to get scholarships to what I can!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Holistic Magazine Did Anyone Else Get A 'Wired' Magazine?
Did anyone else get a 'Wired' magazine? - holistic magazine
"Cable" is not a hunting magazine to read. Certainly he had that article in the manga a few months, but as the magazine's most popular billionth on my list.
Imagine my surprise when the latest issue in my mailbox with my name is Yahoo.
He opens the door for further questions:
1) If Yahoo! have done, you should be able, the magazine I want to have?
2) If Yahoo! have had has done this, should not be a short message are you telling me this? ( "You are a member was so great for us, you are free a year's subscription for" holistic rhinoplasty, with our complete! ")
3) If Yahoo! my information, who else has my information?
It's bad enough I get e-mail spam "sluuts Hot Asian" or "75% discount Viagra!" I think (because I had me go to the hot sluuts Asia) or some Nigerian oil minister who need my bank account to which a bajillion dollar-release (and I am, what comes to me) that Yahoo! adds to it.
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt;> Anyone else br in the same boat?
Monday, January 11, 2010
No Credit Check Bank Can A Bank Run A Full Credit Check To Only Open A Checking Account?
Can a bank run a full credit check to only open a checking account? - no credit check bank
I just opened a checking account at a bank. The bank issued a full credit report on me. It shows in my credit report and hurt me.
Do not make a loan application, the bank could not, run a full credit report about me? Has the bank to violate laws?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Hud Homes Las Vegas How Do I Find Available (HUD) Homes In New Orleans,LA.?
How do I find available (HUD) homes in New Orleans,LA.? - hud homes las vegas
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Subprime Interest Rates Govt Proposing Freeze On Subprime Interest Rates Is It Fair Or Not To All Mortgage Holders And Who Should Pay?
Govt proposing Freeze on Subprime Interest rates is it Fair or not to all Mortgage holders and who should pay? - subprime interest rates
Note that the fault of the banks that provided loans for bad credit holders of our Govt, said, "Get all the low-income homeowners for the first time in their primary residence." Also keep in mind that the people seeking these loans knew their loans "may" and JA mortgage not explain this to play as the owner of "ridiculous" now try.
Remember, many people will be combined balances of credit cards, auto loans and a booster dose, all new houses, their knowledge that interest loans are weak in their new home and now that rising prices "Ut oh, wait, and now that Govt to bail them out.
In new construction, the personal property knowing that before the adoption that they can not afford all the "extras" into a new home, but continued in the interest of "know low" loans that they can benefit from the Commission, of course , the end result of the owner knows that they have finished paying for these extras.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Sales Opps Where Would You Go: Texas, Tennessee, Oregon, Kentucky, Or New York? Why?
Where would you go: Texas, Tennessee, Oregon, Kentucky, or New York? Why? - sales opps
I have to request a PPO by my employer a transfer to one of these states.
That's what I know.
Function Oregon: Portland could. Great scenery, clean air and water, probably the best quality of life of the five sites, decent people in the vicinity of Seattle, no sales tax
Texas: San Antonio, currently has 1 selection. Hill Country, very clean, no income tax, the people won, one of the most beautiful women I wanted, close to ATX!
Kentucky: Louisville would go. The cost of living is cheap, crime is low. I have never been treated very well in KY, just w / bad attitudes and rude. I guess when I heard country music all day, had dirt roads and a sh * tty economy would be very sad.
Tennessee: Nashville is a great city! Good condition, fine lines, large recreational Opps, friendly people. Closer to my home.
New York, Manhattan. Like humans, the pace fast, and can not "attitude. It is your own universe! But the cost of living ... Whoa!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Codes To Mount And Blade In Order To Play A Game 'Mount And Blade', I Require A Special Code, Can Anybody Help Me?
In order to play a game 'Mount and Blade', i require a special code, can anybody help me? - codes to mount and blade
Ok ..... You need to confine it within the CD, and select My Computer, then see the drive U Mount and Blade ... Right-click and click on the file and then open the crack and see .. Thats is !!!!!!!! allllll
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Uses Of Frankincense What Can I Use In Place Of Frankincense And Myrrh For A Kids Sunday School Lesson?
What can i use in place of frankincense and myrrh for a kids Sunday school lesson? - uses of frankincense
Both terms refer to "an aromatic gum resin."
"Incense," "frankincense tree Boswellia carterii, India, Arabia and Somalia, and beyond, the fragrant smell of rubber (NIDNTT) is still available today and should not have a big problem, but probably correspond to any incense to the idea .
Mirra, "the gum that comes from Commiphora myrrh that grows in Somalia, Ethiopia and Arabia, and from the trunk and branches to give a pleasant fragrance." (NIDNTT) has estimated a special plant extract for its pleasant fragrance.
... Linking the idea to try a stick of incense, and / or some kind of herbs. Both were used as "perfume" or the smell of decaying bodies, or other unpleasant odors mask.
... You might try a bottle of aromatherapy oil. "It is actually very similar to the old practices of these 2 substances.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Sonar Tires I'm Confussed Please Help!?
I'm confussed please help!? - sonar tires
Two weeks ago I got sick, had stomach pains and went to the doctor and he thought it was appendicitis or an ectopic pregnancy. I felt tired all the time and nausea and I feel as fast as possible during the meal. He sent me to a gynecologist, the gynecologist will be tested auget pregnancy and put me on the right machine, and saw nothing unusual in my stomach. I feel much better, but I'm worried because every time I eat I feel sick and tired, and I have back pain, do not eat too much, as it did because I have more eppetite. , Not even his ulcer, but I do not know what it is. The guys in my position than ever before, and you can imagine? I use Minerva pill for 2 years and I think you could have an effect? Please help! What is wrong with me, if not the doctors found a problem.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Server Migration Pack Is There A Migration Guide For Separating The SQL Server From A Microsoft Sharepoint 2007 Server?
Is there a migration guide for separating the SQL Server from a Microsoft Sharepoint 2007 server? - server migration pack
We have a standard SharePoint Server 2007 is Microsoft, with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 installed on the same computer. Now already more than the server and the need of SQL Server to another computer, there is a better practice and / or migration guide that someone wrote that the steps along the way shows. For example, it is the database configuration and data content together? Or he must have the database configuration on the same server or SharePoint 2007?
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Fun Outdoor Sports What Outdoor Sport Should I Try And Is Cheaper?
What outdoor sport should i try and is cheaper? - fun outdoor sports
I have reduced fishing and hunting, and I also wonder what is more fun?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Loose Teeth How Do You Brush Your Teeth When You Have A Loose Tooth?
How do you brush your teeth when you have a loose tooth? - loose teeth
I have a loose tooth bored and can not brush, roller. but when I brush my teeth behind the missing tooth loose tooth bleeding again. I need an answer! ASAP! Please?
Friday, January 1, 2010
Canon Ocr Software Is Anyone Familiar With The Canon CD-4070NW? I Am Trying To Search For A Keyword Within A Document.?
Is anyone familiar with the Canon CD-4070NW? I am trying to search for a keyword within a document.? - canon ocr software
I have documents that are already scanned, but I can not find pages with ease. I'm trying to find, but I was told that the OCR function needs to be enabled in order. Since then I have scanned with elements of the OCR and still can not find hotels. Any help would be great?